Events (prior to 2024)

Events and Monthly Talks (2021) 

November 2021 : Dr. Parul Ganju, CEO and Co-founder of Ahammune Bisciences, NCL Innovation Park

Talk Title: "The Business of Science: How to translate your Scientific ideas"

September, 2021: Prof,  Tamalika Banerjee, University of Groningen, Netherlands 

Talk title 1: Oxide Spintronics: materials and devices for unconventional computing.

Title title 2: A rolling stone : From hills to a flatland.

July, 2021 : Prof. Susanna Terracini from Universit\u0012a di Torino, Italy 

Talk title 1: Pattern Formation Through Spatial Segregation

Talk title 2: My journey in Mathematics by Susanna Terracini

June, 2021: Dr Nitya Rao from University of East Anglia, England

Talk title: Women’s Agency, Gendered Work and the Climate Crisis: Pathways to Equality

May, 2021 : Dr. Amala Mahadevan from Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, MA, USA 

Talk title 1: How ocean eddies support phytoplankton blooms

Talk title 2: A journey seaward

April, 2021 : Prof. Robin Fulton, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand 

Talk Title1: Applications of support nanozero valentiron:from nitrate to heavy metal remediation

Talk Title 2: Women in STEM:Finding your feet

March 2021: International Women day (Doing Science in Unprecedented Times)

Dr. Collins Assisi, Assistant Professor, IISER Pune (Invited Talk Speakers)

Dr. Gagandeep Kang, Professor at the Christian Medical College, Vellore (Invited Talk Speakers)

Dr. Anindya Sinha, Professor at NIAS, Bangalore (Flash Talk Speakers)

Dr. Shanti Kalipatnapu, Research Communications, IISER Pune (Flash Talk Speakers)

Ms. Swapna Joshi, PhD Student, IISER Pune (Flash Talk Speakers)